Liao W. F., Xia N. H. NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 2007, 25 (3-4): 199-205
ABSTRACT: Phyllotaxis in vegetative shoots and lamina rotation of Magnoliaceae are described. Most genera in Magnoliaceae investigated (except Parakmeria, Manglietiastrum and Pachylarnax) show lamina rotation. Paraphoric, a new type of lamina rotation differing from four other types depicted by Charlton is clarified. Manglietia, Parakmeria, Manglietiastrum, Talauma, section Gwillimia and Pyridospermum in subgenus Magnolia, shoots of Woonyoungia, section Theorhodon and Liriodendron have spiral phyllotaxis, however Magnolia section Oyama and Maingola, Alcimandra, Michelia, Paramichelia, Tsoogiodendron, buds of Woonyoungia, section Theorhodon and Liriodendron have distichous phyllotaxis. The systematic implication of vegetative shoot phyllotaxis and lamina rotation in Magnoliaceae is discussed in this paper.